SEARCH: Code finder

Antechinus JavaScript Editor

JavaScript Editor lets you create, edit, syntax check, debug, format, find and organize your JavaScript, CSS, PHP and HTML code quickly and effortlessly. Become a JavaScript expert in record time with JavaScript Editor, and reap the benefits: 1. Turn your...

Aztec Barcode Premium Package

Anyone who needs to generate Aztec bar code need look no further. The answer is Barcodesoft Aztec bar code software. Aztec bar code is a high-capacity 2D matrix barcode symbology. It is able to encode both ASCII and Extended ASCII...

QR Code Font Package

Anyone who needs to generate QRCode need look no further. The answer is Barcodesoft QRCode software. QR Code is also known as Quick Response Code. QR Code is a 2D matrix barcode symbology. QRCode Matrix size ranges between 21 X...


MyFilms is your perfect companion for working with your movies.Easily retrieve,search and edit movie information with ONE CLICK. Quickly decide which movie to watch. Why do i need it ? After a few years, I discovered that I had over...

12Ghosts Lookup

Click your way through to data in a snap of a second that would otherwise cost you hours to find on the Internet or in a book. Wether you are just curious or need the information fast, you will find...

Absolute code finder

Whether you're coding Asp, or Php, C++, C#, Ruby, Ajax, etc., with Absolute Code Finder you find your code snippets at lightning speed, by keyword. I am a web and software developer, I'm fully aware that, whenever we're developing, we...

Absolute php finder

Php coders, you find your code snippets at lightning speed, by keyword. I am a web and software developer, I'm fully aware that, whenever we're developing, we do need to find our pieces of code fast. That is why I...

Top Lead Extractor

Top Lead Extractor is an easy-to-use, fast and result-oriented contact(i.e. email, Phone, Skype, MSN, AOL, Yahoo, and ICQ IDs) extractor software. It extracts your targeted customer's contact information from your selected search engines like Bing, Google, Yahoo, Ask, Yandex, Baidu,...

Bytescout BarCode Generator

Bytescout BarCode Generator is able to generate and export barcode into image (EMF, PNG, JPG, TIFF, GIF). Supports almost all available 1D and 2D barcode types: Codabar, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 93, Code 128, EAN-13, EAN-8, JAN-13,...

Linear JavaScript Barcode Generator

The professional grade AJAX & JavaScript Bar Code Generator is pure JavaScript code that may be easily integrated with AJAX Web Applications and HTML to create bar-code images. Because it is pure JavaScript, no additional components, fonts or plug-ins need...

VB Decompiler

VB Decompiler is decompiler for programs (EXE, DLL or OCX) written in Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0 and disassembler for programs written on .NET technology. As you know, programs in Visual Basic can be compiled into interpreted p-code or into...

Manager Accounting Software

Manager is free accounting software for Windows. It includes key accounting modules, tax functions and features that streamline data entry and accounting procedures. Summary Review key financial data as transactions are entered. Track bank account balances, accounts receivable, accounts payable,...


PeDiffEr is advanced GUI for pediff.dll - free PE module binary comparator. With this utility you can compare two PE-module files (exe,dll,...). Pediff.dll uses levenshtein distance algorithm to find identical and/or similar functions in two binaries. Software is freeware and...

Reporting Services Linear Barcode CRI

This product creates barcodes in Microsoft Reporting Services as an integrated drag-and-drop Custom Report Item (CRI) control, without the use of barcode fonts. The designer and render DLLs provided are digitally signed and time-stamped with Authenticode certificates. The Barcode CRI...

Aztec Font and Encoder Advantage Package

IDAutomation's Aztec bar code fonts allow printing of high density Aztec symbols with TrueType, PCL and PostScript fonts by using IDAutomation Vertical Interleaved Technology. Includes VB code, Java Library, ASP.NET Web Control, .NET Forms Control DLL and examples for Excel,...