SEARCH: coordinates

OptiVec for Delphi

OptiVec contains more than 3500 hand-optimized, Assembler-written functions for all floating-point and integer data types from the following fields: 1. Vectorized form of arithmetic operators and math functions. 2. Matrix operations, e.g.: multiplication, inversion, LU decomposition, singular value decomposition, Cholesky,...


Powerful lightweight complex system for mathematical calculations, which brings to you opportunity to solve your problems, as fast as possible. More than 160 build-in functions from different areas of math, full support of complex numbers and matrix calculations (even complex...


TRANSDAT geosoftware executes coordinate transformations and geodetic datum shifts between many coordinate and reference systems of America, Australasia, Europe, Germany special and world-wide, with high precision and high speed: 1.The current and historical coordinate and reference systems of all countries...

CMATH for Visual C++

CMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics. The following features make CMATH an ideal replacement for other available complex class libraries: 1. High-performance implementation in machine code leads to superior speed. 2. Accuracy and safety are greatly...

OptiVec for Visual C++

OptiVec contains more than 3500 hand-optimized, machine-code-written functions for all floating-point and integer data types from the following fields: 1. Vectorized form of arithmetic operators and math functions. 2. Matrix operations, e.g.: multiplication, inversion, LU decomposition, singular value decomposition, eigenvalues....

Screen Loupe 2000

Screen Loupe is a small utility that displays a magnified view of whatever is beneath the mouse cursor, much like a jeweler's or printer's loupe. You can copy the contents of the Loupe window to the clipboard as well. The...


ORTWIN is a program for the state-wide inquiry of the localities, postal codes and telephone selections in Germany. It finds postal zip codes, telephone pre selections, coordinates and ground level elevations. The program determines municipal codes, local center points, car...

Maps Downloader For Yahoo Satellite

Yahoo Satellite Superget Downloader is a smart tool which can help you download tile satellite images from google map fastly and stably.It can stitch tile images into one big seamless image:Software can stitch tile images into one big seamless image...

Map Suite Geocoder

Map Suite Geocoder is a native geocoding and reverse geociding component for .NET that lets you convert a street address into a geographic location and vice-versa. It can also deliver additional details like elevation, time zone, county and more. Map...


The programme 'exif2xml' V1.0 is freeware. It is a tiny and powerful tool that can read EXIF metadata from JPEG files and can export it to XML files. It is W3C compliant and is very easy to use. It can...

Maps Downloader For Bing Satellite

Bing Satellite Superget Downloader is a smart tool which can help you download tile satellite images from google map fastly and stably.It can stitch tile images into one big seamless image:Software can stitch tile images into one big seamless image...

UTM Coordinate Converter

UTM Coordinate Converter, converts between various geographic coordinate systems, allowing you to convert between various Latitude/Longitudes systems and the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system. It includes a map that displays the location you converter, as well the map allows to...

CMATH for Delphi

CMATH is a comprehensive library for complex-number arithmetics and mathematics. The following features make CMATH an ideal replacement for the unit Complex coming with Delphi: 1. High-performance implementation in machine code leads to superior speed. 2. Accuracy and safety are...


DRAGSENS Geo Software is used for the exact position estimation of a towed body, sensor, camera, array or net, dragged behind a ship, aircraft or vehicle. The software allows a real-time estimation of the position of a dragged sensor based...


NewsAutoTrader is an advanced Forex news spike trading tool that generates trade signals by reading and analyzing live news headlines. Using it you can trade many economic indicators, such as US Nonfarm Payrolls, GDP, CPI, Retail Sales, Interest rate announcements,...