SEARCH: creative problem solving


Many companies have used Creative Problem Solving to solve common business problems. Creative Problem Solving techniques have been used to successfully find solutions for common business problems in a number of businesses including Starbucks, Ralph Lauren and the HSBC bank....

Puzzle Mania Pro

Sliding Picture Puzzle game with artifical inteligence Puzzle dimensions from 3 x 3 to 100 x 100 (N x M , where N= 3 to 100, M = 3 to 100) Puzzle Mania Pro is an easy to use Puzzle...


Robot4 (tm) is a Robotic Arm Movement program where the arm is moved from a given position to a desired position. The program finds the angles necessary for the desired position. Problem came from NASA. Robot4 is an Inverse Problem...

Sleek Bill

Sleek Bill invoice software is a premium tool designed to give you everything needed for your billing activity. We've put our 7+ years experience in developing invoicing software to design Sleek Bill and offer you the best user experience in...

Brain Kaizen

Brain Kaizen is a high-quality collection of brain games carefully designed to rewire your brain to success by improving your cognitive abilities, enhance your ability to learn new information, and improve your memory. It will embark you in a fun...

Chord Maestro

Chord Maestro is a software tool that displays chord charts on a computer, TV, or large (confidence) screen without requiring a lot of unnecessary effort. Chord Maestro was made for worship leaders and live bands that are tired of using...


CurvFit (tm) is a curve fitting program for Windows. Lorentzian, Sine, Exponential and Power series are available models to match your data. A Lorentzian series is highly recommended for real data especially for multiple peaked and/or valleys data. CurvFit is...

ADUC HelpdeskAdmin

In an ideal world a helpdesk would take care of most Active Directory related problems before they'd escalate up an expensive support chain. Unfortunately, we don't live in an ideal world, and the one thing that's keeping most helpdesks from...


Create unique notes and To-Do lists that float over the desktop and that dynamically reveal groups of related notes that animate into view. Through visually linking your notes together you can make groups of automatically expanding and flowing content. With...

TSP Solver and Generator

TSPSG is intended to generate and solve Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) tasks. It uses Branch and Bound method for solving. Its input is a number of cities and a matrix of city-to-city travel costs. The matrix can be populated with...

VRP Spreadsheet Solver

The Microsoft Excel workbook 'VRP Spreadsheet Solver' is the first open source unified platform for representing, solving, and visualising the results of Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs). It unifies Excel, public GIS and metaheuristics. It can solve VRPs of size up...


Curvilinear: Easy Learning Plane Analytic Geometry. An Intuitively-Easy-To-Use visual interactive software, oriented to overcome the abstraction that exists in the Plane Analytic Geometry (PAG), this is a tool that makes it easy to learn and master the PAG, the user...

Match n Freq

Pulse shaping filter program that finds the pole-zero locations of a transfer function, H(s), for a matched filter. H(s) equals a -desired- signal (Yout) divided by a given input signal (Yin). Both Yout and Yin are functions of frequency. Group...

FlopLi (Flop Line)

The game FlopLi for those who like to find precise algorithms of problem solving. The objective of the game is the installation of all blocks on a field in an identical state. State is understood as sort of the block....

Smart CD Catalog Professional

Still having troubles organizing your disks? Smart CD Catalog will help you put them in order! You probably have many CDs, DVDs, external hard drives with document libraries, MP3 music files, photo and video collections, software distribution packages, data backups...