SEARCH: data modeling

NeuroSolutions (32-bit)

This installation program includes evaluation versions of three products for neural network design and development: NeuroSolutions, NeuroSolutions for Excel and the Custom Solution Wizard. NeuroSolutions is a highly graphical neural network development tool for Windows. This leading edge software combines...

progeCAD Professional

progeCAD IntelliCAD uses AutoCAD DWG files, no need for conversion. Windows 7 32,Windows 7 64, No learning curve for AutoCAD users. AutoLISP, VBA, ADS programming, import from PDF, Advanced Rendering, 3D ACIS Solid Modeling included. For architects, building kitchen and...

progeEARTH Land Development Suite

Civil Survey AutoCAD Clone Software, no learning curve for AutoCAD users, Natively reads and writes AutoCAD DWG files, no need for conversion! Includes Data Colector File Import, COGO, Contours, DTM, Road Design, Sections and Profiles. low-cost alternative to otherwise high...

NeuroSolutions Infinity (64-bit)

NeuroSolutions Infinity neural network software offers reliable, scalable, distributed processing of large data across clusters of computers to create highly accurate predictive models for data mining and analysis. It is designed to scale up from a single computer to thousands...


XLSTAT is a complete analysis and statistics add-in for MS Excel that has been developed since 1993. XLSTAT is a modular statistical software built around XLSTAT-Pro - the core product of Addinsoft. The use of Excel as an interface makes...


CurvFit (tm) is a curve fitting program for Windows. Lorentzian, Sine, Exponential and Power series are available models to match your data. A Lorentzian series is highly recommended for real data especially for multiple peaked and/or valleys data. CurvFit is...

progeCAD Architecture

progeCAD Architecture uses AutoCAD DWG files, no need for conversion. BIM using DWG, No learning curve for AutoCAD users. Get Revit functionality for 1/4 the cost. AutoLISP, import from PDF, Advanced Rendering, 3D ACIS Solid Modeling.VBA, ADS included. For architects,...

ADUC HelpdeskAdmin

In an ideal world a helpdesk would take care of most Active Directory related problems before they'd escalate up an expensive support chain. Unfortunately, we don't live in an ideal world, and the one thing that's keeping most helpdesks from...


NumXL is a Microsoft Excel add-in for econometrics and data analysis, designed to make finance modeling and time series easier to manage. You can perform all of your data work right in Excel. NumXL allows you to apply advanced econometric...

esProc Standard

esProc is a business computing software, which is professional in Big Data computation with high performance and simplifying complex data computation, reducing cost of software and hardware as well as management expenses and enhancing the computation development efficiency of Java...

Recovery Toolbox for DWG

The DWG file format is used by countless professionals working with AutoCAD in a number of areas - interior and industrial design, architecture, science and modeling of different objects and processes. These files often contain models and schemes worth hundreds...

NeuroSolutions (64-bit)

This installation program includes evaluation versions of three products for neural network design and development: NeuroSolutions, NeuroSolutions for Excel and the Custom Solution Wizard. NeuroSolutions is a highly graphical neural network development tool for Windows. This leading edge software combines...

Math Mechanixs

Math Mechanixs is a FREE and easy to use scientific and engineering math software program. (FREE registration is required after 30 days of usage). Math Mechanixs has an integrated Scientific Calculator and Math Editor that allows the you to compute...


OilProp is designed to assess the core thermophysical properties of oil and its derivatives necessary to solve transportation and processing tasks, with the minimum volume of input data. It is based on regularities and statistics generally known in the area....

Altova UModel Enterprise Edition

Altova UModel 2015 Enterprise Edition is the starting point for successful software development. Use UModel to create software models and SQL database designs via the power of UML. Generate Java, C#, or Visual Basic .NET code, and SQL scripts from...