SEARCH: Hex Comparison

XiXi Duplicate Photo Finder

XiXi Duplicate Photo Finder - Fast finds the duplicate pictures on your drives relied on picture content, you can remove the unwanted pictures as you expect to recover your valuable disk space, reduce the management costs and avoid the unnecessary...


SchemaVersion is an SQL development tool designed to help you store a SQL database schema in any file-based version control system (such as SourceSafe, Mercurial, Git, etc.) Simply download the schema into files and put them under the version control...


MITCalc is a multi-language set of mechanical, industrial and technical calculations for the day-to-day routines. It will reliably, precisely, and most of all quickly guide customer through the design of components, the solution of a technical problem, or a calculation...


Concatenate text files and SQL Scripts with placeholders and Hierarchical concatenation to build and maintain SQL Patch Scripts. Concatenate text files in seconds. Drag & Drop files into File Manifests (file groups). Order / index files as required. Manage batches...

Messages Extractor for Outlook

Outlook Messages Extractor (OME) designed to save messages from Microsoft Outlook folders in the text files (format .eml, RFC822). It allows expanding opportunities on processing and storing the messages: you may archive message's base, import messages into the great quantity...

Jungle Trek

Help your preschool students learn to recognize and understand different colors, shapes, letters, numbers and the concept of size. Each student will have fun coloring pictures which will then come alive. They will learn to recognize and discriminate basic shapes....

XiXi Duplicate File Finder

XiXi Duplicate File Finder - Fast finds the duplicate files on your drives relied on file content, you can remove the unwanted files as you expect to recover your valuable disk space, reduce the management costs and avoid the unnecessary...


Website change detection and anti intrusion tamper detection software with verification and availability monitoring. It offers one click verification and availability monitoring of web site integrity from web pages to a local folder. The program will cmpare single files, all...

Rainbow Analyst Personal

Spreadsheet audit and analysis add-in tool for Microsoft Excel, helps detect errors and problems in your spreadsheets. Ranked number 1 among Excel audit tools costing less than 200 euros in a report by students at Stuttgart University. Highlights problems in...


MyDbExplorer is a windows desktop application that can connect to virtually any relational database backend. Written as a framework, MyDbExplorer supports plugin architecture. Any developer can extend MyDbExplorer's functionality to connect to new databases using its public APIs. It is...

Frequency Generator

NEW in this version Oscilloscope srcoller and accelerator Efects like Peak and Splitt Oscilloscope kinds like Con. Lines, Dots, Mir Lines, Spikes, Vert. Lines Analyse the real time input in the Oscilloscope Now you can record the generated Tones into...

Binary Uptime

Binary Uptime refers to the time during which a system is working without failure and has had zero downtimes. Over a period of time, a system can end up slowing down or breaking down due to excessive usage. One way...

Quick Compare

SQL Admin Tools Quick Compare allows quick and easy comparison and updates for SQL Server Scripts. The simple interface ensures that scripts can be viewed and compared within seconds of loading the application. Scripts can be viewed and brought into...


FreeFileSync is a free backup software that helps you to compare and synchronize files and folders on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It is designed to save your time setting up and running backup jobs while having nice visual...

Rainbow Analyst Professional

Spreadsheet audit and analysis add-in tool for Microsoft Excel, helps detect errors and problems in your spreadsheets. Ranked number 1 among spreadsheets costing less than 200 euros in a report by students at Stuttgart University. Currently used throughout the audit...